Samples in Project Console

Data setsClosed A collection of related information that can be used in templates and flows. define the fieldsClosed The Open Data Protocol (OData) is a data access protocol built on core protocols like HTTP and commonly accepted methodologies like REST for the web. There are various kinds of libraries and tools can be used to consume OData services. mapped into templates. While creating and viewing Samples is still available in the Samples tab in Data Sets, users can also create a quick preview directly in the Data Sets Builder. These quick Previews allow designers to preview the data pulled based on the fields and entities they select and can be saved for future use.

Create a Sample

Creating a Sample within a data set is a crucial step in the design phase of Smart Flows. It offers a preview of how data is structured and will appear in your final documents. This process not only facilitates a better understanding of the data's practical application, but it also enables designers to refine and optimize the data set to meet specific requirements.

There are three different types of Samples you can create in Smart Flows, XML and JSON, Smart Forms, and Schema.

Configure a Preview

1. Select the Data sets button.

The Data sets page displays.

2. Select a Data Set to filter from the available options.

The Data Set Builder displays.

Select a Data Set

3. Select the PRIMARY ENTITY button.

The dropdown menu displays.

4. Select the N:1 Relations button.

On the right, the N:1 RELATIONS display.

5. Select the N:1 RELATIONSto use in your preview.

A (1) displays next to N:1 RELATIONS.

6. Select the 1:N RELATIONS button.

On the right, the 1:N RELATIONS display.

7. Select the 1:N RELATIONSto use in your preview.

A (1) displays next to 1:N RELATIONS.

Under 1:N RELATIONS, the 1:N relation selected displays.

Generate Sample Preview

8. In the top right, select the Preview sample button.

The dropdown menu displays.

9. Select the Sample to generate.

The View Sample window displays.

Generate Additional Samples Based on Selected Relations

10. Select the Preview sample button.

The dropdown menu displays.

11. Select the Add button.

The Select bar displays.

12. Type to filter or scroll and select a preview.

13. At the bottom right, select the Save changes button.

At the top right, Changes saved displays in green.

The Sample displays in the Samples tab.